The foundation of a successful oral health program is routine tooth cleanings, and the hygiene staff at Tooth Group of Evergreen Park has years of combined expertise providing patients with this crucial preventative dental treatment. In addition to diagnosing and treating any problems you may have with your teeth or gums, routine dental visits enable the dentist to examine your entire mouth, recognize possible trouble spots, and suggest preventive actions. For this reason, they are essential to preserving your oral health. Maintaining a consistent oral hygiene regimen is the greatest way to keep your teeth clean and decay-free, your breath fresh, and your gums healthy in between treatments.
Plaque, a bacterial buildup that causes cavities and tooth disease, can be eliminated with the aid of routine professional cleanings. Regular dental cleanings help to provide:
To keep your smile looking its best, see our professionals at Dental Group of Evergreen Park every six months!
Before they have a chance to worsen and cause more serious issues, our specialists can identify and treat minor oral health issues like tooth loss, decay, periodontal disease, root infections, and others. This is made possible by routine professional dental exams. These minor concerns can typically be resolved during the same session or at a later date. Every six months, a comprehensive in-office examination with one of our staff members should be planned; however, certain patients may require them more regularly because of risk factors for specific oral health disorders. As part of a standard dental examination, your dentist will examine your teeth and gums closely and give you a thorough cleaning. Our professionals will closely monitor for any indications of oral health issues throughout this examination, even if they are only beginning to show.
Preventing expensive dental issues is the aim of biannual dental exams. Regular dental cleanings and exams can help prevent cavities, serious tooth decay, and gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis. A routine dental examination and x-rays allow the dentist to identify issues before you do! Regular preventative care and proper dental hygiene can help you maintain your teeth for a lifetime and improve your overall health!
For your next dental examination and cleaning, visit Dental Group of Evergreen Park. Our skilled team can help you keep your smile healthy and get rid of any symptoms of common oral health issues.
Eventually, deterioration and the formation of microscopic holes in the teeth can result from tartar, which is created when plaque builds up on the teeth and gums. If left untreated, these little holes, known as dental cavities, can eventually lead to more significant problems with teeth and oral health.
One common dental procedure for cavities is fillings. The term “fillings” refers to the particular resin that is used to fill these tiny holes, or cavities. In addition to halting decay and the necessity for tooth extraction, dental fillings typically help preserve the tooth’s complete health and functionality.
If you suffer from tooth sensitivity or pain, you could require a dental filling to treat cavities in your teeth. If you think you need a dental filling, get in touch with our staff at Tooth Group of Evergreen Park right now!
By sealing the tooth enamel, dental sealants are a common and preventative dental procedure that helps shield your teeth’s crowns and biting surface from decay, cavities, and the acidic effects of food and drink. It has been demonstrated that dental sealants can prevent decay and help shield your teeth’s biting surface. Even with a rigorous oral hygiene regimen, frequent brushing cannot completely cover all of this biting surface. Sealants provide further protection against cavities and tooth decay in the biting area.
Dental sealants are beneficial for both adults and children, and they can be safely applied to youngsters as early as the first grade.
To find out more about sealants and the other common dental procedures we provide, contact our experts at Dental Group of Evergreen Park right now!
If gum disease and dental decay are not treated, tooth loss may result. A tooth may fall out or require extraction for a number of causes, such as decay, facial trauma, or dental emergencies. Although extractions may be necessary for root infections that start in the tooth pulp, root canal therapy frequently minimizes tooth loss by avoiding the need to remove damaged teeth. Even one lost tooth can affect how your teeth work, how you bite, and how you can talk and chew normally.
Since missing teeth may eventually lead to the degradation of the jawbone itself, any lost or extracted teeth must be replaced as soon as possible after the loss or extraction of a permanent adult tooth.
If you’re having excruciating tooth pain or sensitivity, get in touch with the professionals at Dental Group of Evergreen Park. These indicators point to the need to have your teeth extracted or have decay examined.
Instead of being terrified of the procedure, most patients now relate the amount of pain or discomfort they experience during treatment to that of a dental filling. Millions of Americans get root canals every year, and fortunately, they are now a simple, quick operation that may be completed in a one visit.
The tooth’s root may die or suffer severe damage if the pulp, or inner layer, becomes contaminated. In order to stop the infection from becoming worse, the tooth may eventually become sensitive and painful and require extraction.
Your dentist will drill a tiny hole in the tooth to access the pulp, or inner tooth material, prior to performing a root canal. Once the infectious material has been removed, a synthetic material is inserted inside the tooth to prevent further infections. After the hole has been filled, the tooth can begin to heal. As previously stated, patients now view root canals as being just as uncomfortable as a standard dental filling. The primary reason for this is the use of local anesthetic, which completely numbs the affected area and prevents the patient from feeling anything on that side of their mouth.
To keep teeth healthy and free from decay and extractions after a root canal, a strict oral hygiene routine is necessary.
Cracks, chipping, and discoloration can be fixed with tooth bonding, an alternative restorative and cosmetic dentistry method. It is essentially a veneer substitute. It’s a reliable and well-known dental technique.
The teeth must be thoroughly brushed with dental instruments and prepped with a bonding solution before bonding can begin. After applying the bonding solution, the dentist shapes the teeth into the final shape that is desired. Usually, bonding can be finished in a single session. To preserve your newly bonded teeth, you must practice good oral hygiene, which includes brushing and flossing twice a day and using mouthwash every day.
Give our skilled team of dentists at Dental Group of Evergreen Park a call right now to find out more about tooth bonding and whether it might be the best dental option for you.
By covering the damaged regions of the teeth with porcelain, gold, or other composite materials, inlays and onlays are a flexible treatment option that help heal and repair broken teeth while also improving the teeth’s functional look and aesthetics. Inlays and onlays are placed similarly to dental fillings and can be completed in as few as one or two dental visits.
At the first inlay or alone visit, your dentist will identify which tooth damage regions need inlays or onlays in order to repair the afflicted areas and assist restore the function of the impacted teeth. In order to prepare the tooth for inlay and only installation, your dentist will also use equipment to remove as much rotting material as feasible during this treatment. After that, your dentist will order inlays or onlays to be made.
Inlays and onlays are a useful alternative for those with significant dental disease because they strengthen teeth, even if regular fillings can weaken teeth over time. Inlays and onlays are excellent long-term treatment alternatives that can last for many years if taken care of properly. They are bonded to the teeth using special resins that assist to strengthen and protect the teeth.
To find out more about inlays and onlays and to determine whether they would be the best dental option for you, get in touch with our staff at Dental Group of Evergreen Park right now.
Even though routine fillings might weaken teeth over time, inlays and onlays are a good substitute for people with severe dental disease since they strengthen teeth. If properly maintained, inlays and onlays are great long-term treatment options that can endure for many years. Special resins that help to strengthen and protect the teeth are used to attach them to the teeth.
Contact our team at Dental Group of Evergreen Park right now to learn more about inlays and onlays and to see if they would be the best dental solution for you.
To find out more about dentures and whether they might be the best dental option for you, get in touch with the skilled restorative dentistry specialists at Dental Group of Evergreen Park right now!
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